Friday, March 6, 2009

Agility fun

Quickly approaching the end of the agility season. Too quickly.

However there is a veritable agility-palooza coming up!

March 21 – 22 is Palmetto.

March 28-29 in Davie. It’s a one judge trial but hopefully they'll run it like the last one where it was excellent, excellent jumpers, then open and then novice.

That was the easiest trial ever. Though massively hot in October I believe.

April 2 – 5 will be in Vero Beach.

Four days of agility goodness.

Plus no setting up Wednesday. Thank goodness. The good / bad thing about some of the trials in south Florida, I don't know how it is elsewhere, but they are under covered arenas. Which means that everyone huddles up to get in the shade. Nice to have shade, bad if you are someone like me who is an anxious nutcase about getting a good spot.

I'm getting better but still, my natural tendency is towards getting places early combined with the excitement of a trial and horribleness of the Florida heat … I end up waking up way too early the first day and then speeding.

Some people just suck it up and set up the night before – which is why I'm taking off the afternoon of March 20 to haul ass over to Palmetto and set up my little area.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how we are on opposite schedules. I can't wait for May to arrive, when the weather is good enough for trials every weekend, if I wanted!! Right now we have a few trials at the few indoor arenas available. There are more and more popping up especially USDAA indoor trials, so winter can be a fun time for trialing. Except for the big storms when I would have to scratch entries and not drive, but luckily we haven't had any such scratches this winter even though we have had tons of snow.

    I can't wait to get my stuff back in my yard to practice!!
